Model Task

I attempted to model Mount Wellington using Blender for my Tasmania tourist attraction model. I started by making the base of the mountain. First I created two cubes for my base. I decided to scale them down as they were too big for what I wanted. Once I had the cubes at a good size I joint them together so they were the one object. I did this using the join feature in Blender. This meant I selected both the objects and pressed control J. Then I started working on the main body of the mountain. I got another cube and started playing around with the extrude function. I wanted to extrude the edges of the cube so that it looks like it had hills on either side. I extruded one side of the cube easily enough but then the other side did not look right. I had extruded the new edge too far. This would have meant that the edge of my upper mountain would have extended through my mountain base and kept going. Then I remembered that Blender had a mirror function. I deleted my mountain body and started again with a new cube. I added the mirror modifier to the new cube as I extruded it. This made the extended parts of the cube the same on both sizes. I rotated the cube so that the edges of the extended bits were facing the ground. I stuck the finished mountain body on my mountain base. Then I made another cube and scaled it down to be a flat surface. I stuck this object at the top of my mountain. This was going to be the snow. I made the snow object whiteish and the rest of my mountain a blue/purple colour. I then used the join function to make my mountain base, my mountain body and my snow all the one object. This was my final model ...

This was the picture I tried to model it from ... (n.d.). Mount Wellington, Hobart. [online] Available at: [Accessed 16 Jul. 2021].

Finally this was my attempt at the barrel model  using   Brackeys Tutorial videos  

from (n.d.). Introduction to Blender - YouTube. [online] Available at: [Accessed 16 Jul. 2021].

In the end, I have learnt that modelling in Blender is time consuming and quite hard. This is most mostly due to the fact that dealing with 3 directions is harder that just 2.

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