Tut 3 Work

I used a capsule as  my player object. I made a cube to represent the enemy. I made the enemy black so it was easier to see. I made the enemy a prefab. I needed to make the enemy prefab be instantiated when the player clicked. I attempted to do this using a script. This is the result of what I did...  The above gif shows that a clone of the enemy is created when the player clicks. However, it is spawned somewhere off screen. You  can tell it spawns by looking at the object list to the left. There must be an issue with my script. As for the enemy been able to follow the player, that doesn't work either. Currently the enemy just spawns on the player like this... 

I have messed around with this a lot but it the enemy just warps instead of following. It is clear when I build the simple game for the self study, I need to try and fix these things.

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